Social Media: Co- Chaired by Aurora Ronda, Latoya Coleman

As Social Media chair, I will get the word out by advertising to help empower families, and gain the necessary resources needed. We are available via Twitter, Facebook and a website is underway.

Youth Committee: Sandra DeJesus

Special Education: Co-Chaired by Sabrina Rocchio, Lourdes Jibodh

The Special Education committee’s purpose is to advise, empower, and share information with district parents. The committee welcomes members who represent all special education students in District 8. Together we can assure that SE can be seen as specialized instruction designed to meet the learning needs and provide opportunities to their fullest potential.

Anti-Bullying/Domestic Violence (AB/DV): Co-Chaired by Latoya Coleman, Aurora Ronda

AB/DV is to bring awareness through workshops. I want to volunteer my time by handing out information on what to look for when it comes to this type of behavior.

Parent and Community Engagement (PaCE): Co-Chaired by Aurora Ronda, Latoya Coleman

As chair, we want the parents to be empowered by using their voice when it comes to their children’s education. We will network with families and neighboring communities to ensure families are getting the necessary support.

Mental Health: Co-Chaired by Sandra DeJesus, Latoya Coleman

Parent Right's: Co Chaired by Gina Staton, Latoya Coleman